MKU GmbH has a state of the art ballistic testing facility, suited in Sittensen, Germany, this is well equipped to test Soft Armor, Hard Armor, Helmets & various plates including platform armoring solutions.
The ballistic testing facility houses a team of master gunsmiths with decades of experience. All of our lab operatives are licensed to handle and reload ammunition.
MKU offers commercial use of this armor testing facility to facilitate advances armoring solution development around the globe. During the Research & development, prototyping & solution development phase our lab can provide the opportunity to extensively test construct & ballistic features of the product and get detailed findings for further knowledge.
Though MKU is not certifying any products or solutions at the moment, but the developers can get a first-hand feedback and professional consultancy from our experts in order to come up with cutting edge Ballistic solutions. However, a detailed Test Report along with Pictures will be generated and shared with our customer.